Abandon Ship Wiki

Weapons are the primary methods of negotiating your way through the high seas of Abandon Ship.

Types of weapons[ | ]

Abandon ship has multiple types of weapons, each having a distinct tactical niche
  • Deck guns are good long-range weapons for sniping distant targets, like enemy crewmen.
  • Broadside cannons are effective at dealing damage mid-range.
  • The mortar is another long range weapon, excellent at setting fire to the target ship.

List of weapons[ | ]

Note that this list is missing the following guns added in the most recent version of this game:

  • Egg Launcher
  • Ghost Mortar (shoots out zombies)
Name Type Range Effect Cost Speed
Cannon Roundshot


Cannon Unlimited Popular Cannon due to its versatility.
  • Moderate Hull and Section Damage.
  • Low damage to Crew.
  • Very low chance of causing Hull Cracks.
60 Normal
Canister Shot Close Cannon geared towards taking out Crew.
  • Causes Moderate damage to Crew.
  • Zero damage to Hull and Sections.
Cannon Doubleshot


Close Short range Cannon that fires double the projectiles.
  • High Hull and Section Damage.
  • Low damage to Crew.
100 Slow
Cannon Flamethrower


Close The shorter the range on this Cannon, the better it is at starting fires.
  • At CLOSE range causes low Hull, Section and Crew damage and can start fires.
  • At BOARDING range causes no damage but is guaranteed to start fires.
Cannon Flaming


Unlimited Roundshot Cannon that can cause fires to start.
  • Low damage to Hull and Sections.
  • Low damage to Crew.
  • Moderate chance of causing Fires
120 Slow
Cannon Hull Cracker

Hull Cracker

Unlimited Roundshot Cannon that causes Hull Cracks.
  • Low damage to Hull and Sections.
  • Low damage to Crew.
  • Moderate chance of causing Hull Cracks.
120 Slow
Cannon Lobber


Unlimited This Cannon is more powerful the further the distance it is fired.
  • Low Hull, Section and Crew damage at closer ranges.
  • High damage at MID range.
  • Massive damage at FAR range.
100 Normal
Cannon Section Damager

Section Damager

Unlimited Cannon that trades high Section damage for no Hull Damage.
  • High damage to Sections.
  • Very low damage to Hull.
  • Low damage to Crew.
80 Normal
Cannon Sureshot


Unlimited Sureshot Cannon prioritizes accuracy over damage.
  • High accuracy, especially at FAR range.
  • Low damage to Hull and Sections.
  • Low crew damage.
70 Fast
Catapult Furthest The Catapult is an expetionally powerful weapon but it can only be fired from the furthest distance.
  • Very high Hull and Section Damage. Moderate Crew Damage.
  • Low chance of causing Hull Cracks.
100 Slow
Swivel Guns
Swivel Bar Shot

Bar Shot

Swivel Gun Unlimited Barshot is built to stop enemy movement, so you can dictate the battlefield.
  • No Section damage but stops ALL manoeuvres for a short duration.
  • Can be targeted at Sails only.
85 Normal
Swivel Chainshot


Unlimited Two metal balls joined by chain, highly effective against Sails.
  • Does Massive damage to Sails.
  • Can be targeted at Sails only.
80 Normal
Swivel Grapeshot


Close This anti-personnel Swivel Gun fires a wall of small projectiles at enemy crew.
  • High Crew damage within area of effect.
  • No Hull or Section Damage.
  • CLOSE maximum range.
80 Normal
Swivel Sniper Rifles


Unlimited Sniper Rifles are designed to cause maximum damage to single crew.
  • Massive Crew damage.
100 Slow
Swivel Suppression


Close Swivel Gun designed to knock enemy crew to the floor and stun them.
  • Stuns Crew in area for short duration.
  • No Hull, Section or Crew Damage.
70 Fast
Swivel Tackler


Unlimited A long range swivel gun designed to target and stun individual crew.
  • Knocks individual Crew to the floor but doesn't cause any damage.
  • Has a chance of knocking Crew overboard.
Berserk Dart Gun Unlimited Darts that send the enemy Berserk for a short duration.
  • No direct damage. Berserk crew receive an deal less damage.
  • Berserk non-human receive and deal normal damage.
  • Berserk Crew will attack anyone nearby regardless of their allegiance.
175 Slow
Plague Dart Gun Unlimited Infects enemy crew with a virulent plague.
  • Damages crew above a certain health.
  • Immediately caps maximum health of crew until the infection is over.
  • Nearby crew will also catch the plague.
350 Fast
Web Gun Unlimited Originating from Spider-infested regions, the Web Gun traps its target for a long duration.
  • No direct Crew Damage, but traps them in a web cocoon.
  • Webbed crew are trapped for a long duration.
  • Fellow crew can help release webbed colleagues.
100 Slow
Lightning Gun Unlimited The Lightning Gun fires a bolt of electricity which chains to nearby crew, interrupting them for a short time.
  • Moderate Crew Damage with a Small Stun period.
  • Damage is chained between multiple crew
  • Causes higher damage when fired whilst it is raining.
110 Normal
Mortar Standard


Mortars fire up, landing projectiles onto the enemy below.
  • High Hull and High Section Damage. Moderate Crew Damage.
  • Very low chance of causing Hull Cracks and Fires.
65 Normal
Mortar Acid

Acid Bomb

Mortar Unlimited An acid-filled Mortar shell that damages crew in the area, stopping them from entering until the effect has passed.
  • Area of effect lasts for a short duration.
  • Crew in area of effect are damaged over time.
  • No Hull or Section Damage
100 Slow
Mortar Fire

Fire Clusterbomb

Mortar shell breaks apart mid-air into several smaller Fire-causing projectiles.
  • No Hull Damage.
  • Low Section and Crew Damage.
  • Moderate chance of causing Fire.
110 Slow
Mortar Hull Cracker

Hull Cracker Clusterbomb

Mortar shell breaks apart mid-air into several smaller Hull Crack-causing projectiles.
  • No Hull Damage.
  • Low Section and Crew Damage.
  • Moderate chance of causing Hull Cracks.
110 Slow
Mortar Hull Destroyer

Hull Destroyer

Mortar shell punches through deck and explodes inside the ship.
  • Causes a single Hull Crack
  • Massive Hull damage.
  • High Section and Crew damage.
175 Slow
Mortar Ship Smasher

Ship Smasher

Mortar shell hits the ship with such a force that it triggers a 'Brace for Impact' test.
  • High Hull, Section and Crew damage.
  • Creates a single Hull Crack
  • Causes a 'Brace for Impact' test.
150 Slow
Timed Bomb Mortar Launches a deadly timed bomb that can be defused by enemy crew.
  • High Hull and Section Damage.Moderate Crew Damage.
  • Large area of effect.
  • Can be defused by enemy crew.
125 Normal